Despite the extremely heavy loads and challenging work enviornments of most heavy equipment, performance plastics over performance superior to many traditional materials in vital applications.
- Bushings and bearings
- Wear pads
- Sheaves
- Guides for electrical and hydraulic lines
- Rollers
- Liners
- Chutes
- Seals
- Outrigger pads
- Slide bars/cam actuators
- Cushion pads (pile-driving equipment)
- Guards and fenders
- Glazing (windows)
- Grating
- Stairs
Advantages May Include
- Lighweight
- Corrosion resistant
- Low friction
- High wear resistant
- High impact resistant
- No external lubrication required
- Reduced wear on mating parts
- Ease of installation and assembly
- Low conductivity, thermally and electrically
- High strength
- Dimensional stability
- Wide service temperature range
- Reduced maintenance cost